Author Archives: youfirstie


Hotter Temperatures May Slow, but Not Stop COVID-19

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said in an earlier analysis that communities living in warmer climates appear to have a comparative advantage to those living in cooler conditions in the transmission of coronavirus...

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The Dangers of Poor Medication Compliance

When doctors prescribe their patients with medications, they expect them to follow their med intake directions. After buying the meds they need from a retail pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina, patients should continuously take their...

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Top Medication Refill Tips You Can Use

Medications are crucial in any treatment plan. Doctors prescribe you medications that can help in minimizing symptoms of a health condition or treating a disease itself. It is important to buy the prescriptions you need at a reputable retail...

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Strategies to Manage Your Diabetes Better

If you have diabetes, it stays with you for a lifetime. Being able to manage your condition is crucial for your well-being. The following are some strategies that can help you manage your diabetes better. Talk to your doctor about your diabetes...

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Why You Should Consult With Your Pharmacist Regularly

Visiting a retail pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina is more than just buying your health and medical supplies from there. Your pharmacist can do something more for your health. Here are several reasons why a pharmacist consultation is...

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Ways on How You Can Control Your Asthma

Experiencing an asthma episode is challenging, worrisome, and painful. Going to your doctor, as well as visiting a pharmacy in North Carolina can help you check for medicinal solutions to controlling your asthma. You can also do the following...

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