Author Archives: youfirstie


Pharmacists’ Role in Improving Medication Adherence

A patient is considered adherent to their medication if they take at least 80% of their medicines in accordance with the prescribed dosage, time, frequency, and direction of their physician. Non-adherence to medication is rampant among...

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Why Is Medication Compliance So Important?

Medication compliance refers to how closely patients intend to follow a doctor's recommendations in regards to their medication. When they follow instructions for the timing and dosage of all of their prescribed drugs, this is an indication that...

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How Pharmacists Help in Disease State Management?

Nowadays, in our area, our neighborhood pharmacy offers comprehensive disease state management programs to patients for them to be able to prevent or minimize the effects of the disease through the integrated higher level of care that is offered...

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Why Is Vaccine Still Recommended to Adults?

The idea of getting immunized will always entail that it is for a certain age, and usually they’re for the babies and growing children. However, the reality is that immunization is not just for children, they are for adults too. Protection is...

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Reasons to Drink Ionized Alkaline Water

Water is essential for our health as it prevents dehydration, flushes bacteria, and aids in digestion. Today, ionized alkaline water is growing increasingly popular and can be bought at your local pharmacy in North Carolina. Since it contains a...

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Important Details You Need to Discuss with Your Pharmacist

As your trusted retail pharmacy in Gastonia, North Carolina, we aim to help you with your healthcare plan to maintain your health. For this reason, we can discuss your medications and disease management plan to provide you with information...

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